When it comes to office printers, there are a lot of beliefs out there that aren't true. These printer myths can interfere with the way printing is done in your office, and it can lead to less efficiency and productivity.
Myth 1: A Copier or Printer Is Enough
One common printer myth is that if an office has a copier or printer in-house, then that's all that needs to be done. In truth, there are a lot of other considerations that must be considered regarding these machines. The number of machines that are needed is one issue. Which types of machines will work best is another. Yet another consideration is whether to get managed print services to make sure that the machines are maintained and kept stocked and in good repair.
Myth 2: Repairs Will Keep the Machines Running
Many offices have only reactive service done to their copiers and printers. This requires that a technician come out to make repairs when something goes wrong. However, by the time something has gone wrong, the machine is already facing downtime, and that lowers employee productivity. It also costs a lot to have the appropriate technician to come out for one-off repair services. And even then, there may be a wait time until the tech is able to come out and repair the machine. Instead of this reactive services, the proactive services of printer fleet management will keep the machines in good repair to avoid major repairs and downtime.
Myth 3: We Can Handle It
It's a common myth that it will be easy to handle all of the management of the copiers and printers in-house rather than to have this outsourced. The problem is that when a company decides to take care of this in-house, they're really hoping that their IT department will be able to handle it all. Their IT personnel may not be familiar with the exact models that are located in the office. And for them to become familiar enough with it to perform maintenance and repairs, they must take significant time away from their IT duties. Most companies will agree that network security tasks are more important and that taking care of that aspect of the business is a better use of their time.
To find out more about print management services, contact us for more information.