The printer fleet management plan that your company creates should take into account both the things that can go wrong with printers and the normal usage of the machines. Even when there is nothing wrong with a machine, it may need attention in order to keep it running at its best.
Printer Problems
If you have a lot of trouble with the printers in your fleet, it may be time to replace a few. The initial assessment of the printers at the beginning of your printer fleet management should help you to weed out any machines that are no longer cost-effective to run. An older printer that is often in need of maintenance appointments and repairs should be taken out of the fleet and replaced with a newer model that will run better, faster and use less power to do it. Newer models are designed to print faster and to have a high degree of connectivity.
Regular Maintenance
To help keep your printer fleet in good condition, each printer needs regular maintenance sessions. This maintenance will keep your printers running at their best capacity, and it fixes problems before they get bigger and more expensive. Part of any printer fleet management plan should be maintenance appointments that are made on a regular schedule, depending on how often the machine is used. Often-used machines often need more maintenance sessions to help control the natural wear and tear that constant use causes to the machines.
Oversight for Your Printer Fleet
Having monitoring for your printer fleet allows any problems to be picked up quickly. That means that the problems can be pinpointed and dealt with before the printer has any significant downtime. Remote monitoring of the entire fleet frees up your staff to take care of more pressing matters and to leave the maintenance of the printers to the techs who are trained to do so. With effective printer fleet management, productivity can stay high while any printer problems are dealt with quickly and with expertise.
If your business needs printer fleet management that includes remote monitoring, contact us today to find out how to get started.