A paperless office may seem like some far-off dream--but believe it or not, there's an easy way to make this dream a reality. All you have to do is take the first step: learn about DocuWare!
Start Controlling Your Documents
Paperless offices are often viewed as impossible achievements for one simple reason: most companies don't know where to start. Since, after all, a journey with no first step will never truly begin, this uncertainty leads to the belief that paper woes will rule your business life forever.
Luckily, that's just not true.
There is a first step, and that first step is simple: find a solution that will help you map out your paperless journey and give you the tools to reach the finish line.
Naturally, that's where DocuWare comes in. By helping you create a digital workflow complete with document capture, file storage, data sharing, cloud services, and more, DocuWare makes that paperless journey an adventure instead of a struggle.
Next Steps in the Paperless Journey
Now that you know what the first step is, how can you keep putting one foot in front of the other on your paperless journey? Let's find out!
#1: Know where you're starting from
It's helpful to know where you've been in order to get where you're going. Take some time to review your current situation by asking yourself how you currently use paper, how many files you need constant access to, how long you need to store documents for, and more.
#2: Organize by file type
Once you're familiar with your current paper situation, you can start using DocuWare to transition to a paperless office. This is easiest if you organize your journey by file type--for example, scanning and storing invoices first, customer information next, then project notes, and so on. An organized beginning helps you reach an organized ending!
#3: Plan ahead
Your files aren't the only thing that will change in a paperless office. As you work with DocuWare, keep in mind that some of your other business processes will change too. Of course, with the right workflow tools and a clear idea of where you're headed, the transitions and improvements can be great news for your company--just remember to take things one step at a time.
In conclusion, paperless offices may seem like an impossible dream--but with DocuWare, that dream becomes a reality. Once you've taken that first step, you can keep making progress by reviewing your current situation, organizing your files and approach, and keeping your business processes in perspective. You'll be saying goodbye to paper in no time!
Ready to take that first step toward a paperless office? Contact us today to get started with DocuWare!